Pedagogical Toolbox

One of the aims of this project is to share pedagogical resources for developing ecological awareness in conjunction with linguistic and cultural diversity. We hope that this toolbox will be useful and inspiring for anyone who would like to integrate environmental topics in their language teaching.

This toolbox includes resources across a range of languages, topics, and levels. Depending on what you are looking for, the entries below can be filtered by language and/or type (e.g. lecture notes, seminar activities…). Each entry includes an overall description, the resources, and details about the author.

The resources below are freely available for use in teaching.

We want to keep developing this pedagogical toolbox and are interested in submissions from any language field(s). If you would like to contribute, we’d be delighted to hear from you – please contact us with any ideas or questions at We are keeping the format of submissions entirely open to what would suit each contribution and do not have a required set length. Submissions could include: description of module/field trip/student project, syllabus, lesson plan, worksheets, reading lists, details of assessment format… This is a non-exhaustive list – we’re very keen to hear about any materials that you have been using and creating in your own teaching practice and that you feel would benefit and inspire others. In addition to teaching materials, submissions could also take the form of a reflective piece in which you discuss your experience of teaching an Environmental ML course or class.

La haie est morte; vive la haie: making a dead hedge


A shelter This resource provides details of a practical seminar activity carried out by staff and tutors as part of a University of Stirling-wide interdisciplinary module entitled ‘Wicked Problems and Sustainable Solutions’. The activity requires students to make a dead hedge after they have attended a lecture entitled ‘The literary “Hedgeland”’. In the lecture, literary […]

La pollution aux Antilles


This lesson explores environmental and health issues related to agricultural pollution in the Caribbean. Students examine the use of chlordecone, a pesticide dumped for decades despite its known health risks. They then learn about creole gardens, a traditional practice revived as an ecofriendly response to the crisis. Cultural elements (music, creole language) are weaved through […]

Nuclear France, French nuclear imperialism, and Algerian and Polynesian decolonial anti-nuclear visual arts


This lecture and seminar were designed as part of the Francophone strand of the co-taught final year module ‘Languages and Ecologies’ for students of Modern Languages (French, Spanish, German and Italian). The module introduces students to the field of Environmental Humanities through a transnational and interdisciplinary approach. It focuses on the French-, Hispanic-, Italian- and […]

Research Presentation on Environmental Humanities and Italy


This activity is meant to challenge students in identifying, researching, and delivering a group effort presentation on an Italian contemporary econarratives or environmental issue. It has a two-fold structure: a written document to assess their writing skills in the target language and their acquisition of new lexicon and linguistic nuances to discuss EH topics and […]

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