Erin E Edgington
Erin E. Edgington is assistant professor of French at the University of Nevada, Reno where she teaches French language and literature at all levels of the curriculum. With colleagues in French, she was recently awarded a grant to integrate OER into the fourth-semester French language course in order to reduce costs for students and increase enrollments in French. A specialist in 19th-century French literature and art, she is the author of Fashioned Texts and Painted Books: Nineteenth-Century French Fan Poetry (North Carolina, 2017). Her current book project offers an overdue reconsideration of notorious French-Canadian poet William Chapman.
by Erin E Edgington
This document describes an activity designed to guide students in making connections between poetry and their local environments. This activity is adaptable for use with poetic texts in any modern language and well-suited to the intermediate and advanced literature classroom. The activity can be used multiple times over the course of a term and/or as […]